OK, you’ve created an awesome podcast or radio show and you want to reach new listeners. We can help you with that. At EDMliveset.com, we can help you grow your podcast’s audience by reaching passionate podcast listeners. You can get your podcast or radio show featured on our website for free! That’s a great way to build up your podcast’s audience!

Fill in the form below if your podcast or radio show meets these requirements:
  • Public podcast feed (.rss or .xml)
  • Podcast is in the EDM (Electronic Dance Music) genre. Podcasts and/or radio shows which are not EDM (Electronic Dance Music) related will NOT be published without any notice!
  • If you provide a tracklist (highly recommended) within the feed, the tracklist will be published, otherwise, we’ll show ‘N/A’.
  • We reserve the right to remove text or links (other than the source link).
  • We serve the right to not publish a podcast submission.
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